Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bakumatsu photos #2

Bakumatsu means end of the bakufu or the samurai ruling period. It was when Japan opened its country to modernize, after allowing no foreign anything for 150 years, and placed the emperor as the central power again. There are a lot of photos from that period, of which one was the Meiji Emperor's trip around Japan that I posted before. It's hard to believe that people lived this way only a little over a century ago.

farmer kids


samurai & shamisen lady



ladies sweeping & posing

Bakumatsu photos

I found a website where you can turn your photos into end of Edo Period looking, from around 1868. Hilarious. These photos look like those taken by the heirs of an aristocrat or samurai studying in Europe, to learn how to modernize Japan. I think the tip is to pick photos with tiny people and wide view of the architecture.

Click here to turn your photos at least a 100 years old.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Reina's new perfume

Freshly made perfume! The tassel is made by her sister... such sisterly affection.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Birka was one of the earliest viking town in Scandinavia. Now it looks like it is preserveing another period, with lots and lots of grasses.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012