Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hunan Province in China

I could not post anything as I was traveling through China this week. The government's ban on blogs and facebook indeed gave me a strange feeling, especially that I'm a novice to such situations.

A mother watching her child from the inside of the room...

Girls playing cards outside. Very picturesque.

I traveled from a village in the northeastern China close to Vladivostok called Mundanjian, through Beijing and Shanghai, all the way down to the southwest in Hunan, back to HK. As the last half of the travel was on a car, I felt like I saw all of China - some legs were 7 hours long! But of course this was a mere, tiny glimpse of what one can cover in one week.

The last stop was a little indigenous village in Hunan called Blue Mountains. As we crossed the village from the rather privleged side (due to tourism and some small industry) to the poor side, there was a sudden downgrade of road quality. And on the car, it was like a 90-minute long roller coaster! Yet, when we reached the top of the mountain and saw this view, all scary memories on the road were negated. The mountains were as beautiful as the name of the village (or exactly as the name thereof)...


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