Monday, December 18, 2017

Crunchy Christmasy oatmeal cookies

As I am now completely into baking cookies (having to make 10 bags of homemade cookies 2 weeks ago for sale by the kindergarten at our bank), I experimented with another type of oatmeal cookies that turned Christmasy. It's more crunchy than than my previous recipe!

Ingredients: chunky and broken down oats 70g each, regular flour 60g, sugar 30g (can be doubled), pinch of salt, vegetable oil 4 Table spoon, water or milk 4 Table spoon, cardamum 20g (can also add ginger and cinnamon), white chocolate 30g, handful of dry cranberries, handful of walnuts.

Instruction: Mix the dry ingredients and add oil and water with a wooden spoon. Add the cardamum, white chocolate, dry cranberries, and walnuts and mix further. On a baking sheet, place the balls of dough and press down with hand to flatten out. Bake in 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

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