Thursday, March 8, 2012

New coat from the airport

I am generally clumsy and forgetful, but it's the first time I forget to bring a coat on a trip to the north during winter! I had checked the weather for Beijing that it would be near zero degrees, but somehow I left home without a coat. For this trip, I also almost forgot my computer in the office and could not find my HK ID card to let me in/out of this place smoothly. Jesus. One should sleep more than 4 hours before packing in the morning.

Despite my worries of having to pick between a US$2,000 Burberry coat from the airport or a fake Armani from somewhere in Beijing, ZARA at the HK airport was already open at 7am and saved my life.

Can you believe that this was the only coat they had in the store? But it fits me well and I do like looking like cherry blossoms.

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